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Stark County Jail

4500 Atlantic Boulevard NE, Canton Ohio 44705
Prison Description

The Jail Division is charged with the safe and secure operation of the Stark County Jail. The division is staffed by individuals serving is several different capacities such as Deputy Sheriff's, Corrections Officers, Drug & Alcohol Counselors, Clerks, and Supervisors. In addition, contract service employees for food, medical and mental health needs also make up the division as well as volunteers. These persons ensure the security of the jail and provide the wide array of services to the prisoners that are required by state and federal laws. Some of the services are counseling, visitation, religious, commissary sales and library. The Stark County Sheriff’s Office has taken an aggressive lead in contracting many of these services to private companies in the community that once were performed by Sheriff's Office employees. This concept has been proven cost effective and allots our limited time and resources to be devoted to the core mission of the Sheriff’s Office. Prisoners confined in the jail include those charged with every type of criminal offense from traffic charges to those facing capital punishment. This includes prisoners awaiting trial or sentencing, transfer to a state institution, fugitives awaiting return to other states, and those inmates awaiting probation or parole revocations. Also confined in the jail are those persons committed by any of the counties’ three municipal courts, Common Pleas Courts and Domestic Relations Court. The Stark County Jail is a 24 hour a day booking facility for all law enforcement agencies in Stark County.

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